Wednesday, 21 February 2018

OUGD602 - Amsterdam Plan

With flights and meetings planned, the team drew up a schedule for the week to ensure the trip is properly planned. We depart and arrive into Amsterdam on Monday with a 10am start on the Tuesday meeting Thomas Gravemaker of Letterpress Amsterdam. On the Wednesday we are seeing Grafisch Werkcentrum and on the Thursday 72&Sunny.


14:20 train from Leeds
15:39 arrive Manchester
18:25 depart Manchester airport
20:45 arrive Amsterdam airport


10:00 Thomas Gravemaker Letterpress Amsterdam
10:00 Grafisch Werkcentrum Amsterdam


14:00 72&Sunny Agency


17:15 depart Amsterdam airport
17:35 arrive Manchester airport
19:40 train from Manchester
21:08 arrive Leeds

This schedule has filled the week but still gives us time to explore the city and see sights as well as attend our meetings.

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