Monday, 5 March 2018

OUGD602 - Notes from Amsterdam

During the Amsterdam trip, I made notes on everything that I took notice of. From these notes there are a few that stand out to me. These are pieces of advice I will always consider when doing work or elements I picked up on that can be used in projects.

A quote from Thomas Gravemaker: "Don't be afraid of your materials." This is a particularly constructive piece of advice, that will prevent me from feeling restrained by the materials I work with.

Whilst in the Graphic Werkcentrum, I noticed these two typefaces that took my fancy:

Wagner Akzidenz


Whilst in the Stedelijk Museum I managed to lock my belongings in their lockers and a security man had to get them out for me. The locker was 'Locker 144' which is catchy and I might use this name somewhere.

When in 72&Sunny, we spoke to Lee Boulton, from Bristol. I asked him how he found moving abroad for work and he said: “Move sooner rather than later”, “It’s similar to moving for university”. I hope to move abroad for work so this is constructive.

I forget who said this but it is good to reflect on: "Everyone’s different, different everything"

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